Cardiograph, doppler, encephalograph, miograph, rheograph, Manipur - Manipur - Medical equipment, supplies, Manipur - 1676087


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Cardiograph, doppler, encephalograph, miograph, rheograph, Manipur - Medical equipment, supplies

Ref. number: 1676087 Updated: 24-02-2020 10:05

Price: 1 USD $

Offering: Medical equipment, supplies in India, Manipur

Research & Production Ltd. "DX-SYSTEMS" proposes: Electroencephalograph system BRAINTEST for investigation of brain electrical activity with digital video monitoring and investigation of evoked potentials features. Electromiograph M-TEST for examination of neuromuscular system by means of muscle and peripheral nerves potentials registration. Electrocardiograph «Cardiotest» for complex examination of patient's cardiovascular system with functional tests feature. Rheograph RHEOTEST for noninvasive examinations of central hemodynamics, cerebral, extremities and viscus blood flow. Ultrasonic doppler systems ANGIODIN M, PC, Procto for daily research of trans-cranial, extra-cranial and peripheral blood streams, hemorroids treatment. Sinuscop ANGIODIN Echo/P-Lor for ultrasound investigation of maxillary and frontal sinuses. PLASON - device for NO-therapy, plasma surgery, coagulation and sterilization of wound surface, dissection of biological tissue with plasma stream, stimulation of reparative process with NO-gas stream. +38(067)5706886 +38(067)5724949 +38(057)-719-55-14, +38(057)-719-46-58, +38(057)-758-57-20 Ukraine mr. Igor Zagorulko

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First name: Игорь
Last name: Загорулько
Phone number: +38(095) 055-14-75
Mobile number: +38(093) 682-54-09
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